The Beam NFT Competition comes to an end!


The BeamNFT Competition kicked off on January 13, 10 days after Beam’s 3rd Year Anniversary. The competition hosted a prize pool of $10,000 with several rewards such as $BEAM, $RAY, unique NFTs created exclusively for the Competition & in-game redeemable currency called Coins.

The BeamNFT Competition collection can be accessed here

With participation from over 12,000 participants and more than 443,305 Coins earned, the BeamNFT Competition was a successful event for the Beamer community, bringing artists and ecosystem partners together. A big shoutout to the Beam Team, BeamBots & the Stray Dog Kennel Club (SDKC) for providing exclusively created NFTs for the event.

Airdrops for the Unlucky!

We’ve airdropped $BEAM to contestants who rolled “Thanks” far too many times in the Daily Wheel. We want the event to feel rewarding for the community members who weren’t so lucky but still remained committed to the Beam NFT Competition. If your wallet address is located in this sheet here, congrats you received some $BEAM!

What’s Next?

The scores are currently being tallied. The leaderboards will become live announcing the winners. Exclusive NFTs Rewards have also been prepared and will be airdropped to participants who have completed unique challenging feats throughout the competition.

Refer a Friend: The participant who invites the most friends receives an expensive NFT reward.

NY BEAM Punk Lucky Draw: A lucky BEAM Punk owner will receive the one-of-a-kind NY BEAM Punk. It will automatically be sent to the winner’s public key.

Best Community Video: Create a video covering the marketplace for a chance to win an incredible prize to be announced soon.

Check your gallery soon for your hard-earned goodies!

We thank all participants for making Beam NFT Competition a special experience. Stay tuned for an upcoming BEAM Punks play-to-earn game and voting in the ecosystem, access to a virtual roundtable available exclusively to BEAM Punk owners.

In the coming months, also expect a new redesign of the marketplace with improved functionality, UI/UX.

A Competition Launchpad that allows new NFT projects to be connected to the community through interactive events and tournaments.

The BeamNFT team is in the process of selecting the most active participants to join the validators platform. Validators will be responsible for moderating the content. They can upvote/downvote Authors/NFTs/Collections ratings, hide or warn the collection about a potential scam and more.

Stay Tuned!

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